Discover the FIRAD program to co-finance Franco-Israeli joined R&D programs
Following the visit of the French President Francois Hollande in Israel in November 2013, France choose Israel as its partner number 1 in Innovation and Entrepreneurship and made it a priority in its bilateral relations.
To prove it and start concretizing it, France and Israel announced in March 2014 the new launch of the FIRAD program, that aims at fostering joined R&D programs between 2 small - medium size companies (one French, one Israeli), by co-financing an important part of such programs costs
- Up to a maximum of 65% of the French company's R&D costs by the BPI France
- Up to a maximum of 50% of the Israeli company's R&D costs by the OCS
The process is following a specific path, logic, rules and criteria on both sides (France & Israel).
Shushane & Co is well aware of it and has already some experience of the FIRAD, both for French and Israeli clients.
Shushane & Co knows how to maximize your chance and amount of FIRAD financing success.